Mar 1, 2016

A Guide to Ultrasound of the Shoulder, Part 1: Coding and Reimbursement

Hirahara AM, Panero AJ
American Journal of Orthopedics
PMID: 26991572
Ultrasound: Shoulder

Ultrasound is an inexpensive, easy, mobile, dynamic study that has many advantages over other imaging modalities. Several studies have shown the need for ultrasound during procedures, with significantly improved outcomes and patient satisfaction. Other studies have also shown that ultrasound has medical and economic advantages over magnetic resonance imaging. With the increased use of ultrasound in the office, operating room, and during athletic competitions, the need for accurate coding is essential. Reimbursement is viable for both radiologists and non-radiologists. In the coming year, "appropriate use criteria" will be introduced and implemented. Physicians need to be prepared and informed of all the necessary requirements and coming changes regarding the use and billing of ultrasound procedures.